Selling The House After Divorce: Letting Go and Moving Forward
Selling the house after divorce can be a deeply emotional process. With a lot of my clients, especially in today’s market, selling the house is not

The Definition of a Strong Independant Woman, Version 2
I wrote the original version of this article a few years ago. Recently Jackie Pilossoph with Divorced Girl Smiling asked me to expand on it.

How to Rebuild Your Life after Divorce at 50
How do you rebuild your life after divorce at 50? It takes time and it’s a long journey, but it can be wonderful! Let me

Tuesday or not, Tacos are always on my radar – both out and about and at home!
Here are a couple of my favorite recipes using taco seasoning… Crock Pot Chicken: Boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1.5 lbs-ish) 1 packet taco seasoning (enclosed)

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Deciding Where to Live After Divorce
Going through a divorce is as if your life was on a game board and someone came along and threw it up into the air

Top 3 Reasons Vacation Should Be Mandatory for Single Parents
Over on the Live Laugh Denver Blog, there is an article about why vacation should be mandatory for those of us in the working world.

Going Through a Divorce? Set Up a Support System.
I recently had the honor of being highlighted in Lori Barkus with Barkus Law‘s blog, where she wrote about the importance of a support system

You Are Not Broken
Hi. Me again. Talking about therapy. I posted last week a little about my therapy journey. It started a lot of conversation and resonated with

My commitment is to live my life fully awake. What comes with that is choosing to face my own behaviors that no longer serve me

Empowered Women, Empower Women
You’ve heard the phrase, “empowered women, empower women”. Well I was able to witness it first hand. I had the honor of working with a

The 5 People You Need On Your Divorce Team
I was recently working with a divorcing client and after I had connected her to both a Realtor and a Lender in the state she

Queen Courageous: Why We Need to Celebrate Our Boldness
The following is a guest post by Natalie Fairchild, my dear friend and CEO of Pacific Perks Espresso Bar Catering located in Portland, OR. Courageous

3 Colossal Mistakes to Avoid During Your Home Inspection
Cheapin’ out! This is likely the most expensive purchase you have made thus far in your life, don’t try and save a buck or two on

How to Make Homeownership a Reality
A lot of people I talk to are curious how far out they should be planning when buying a home… Reality is, we can help you

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Divorcing Women Make: And How to Avoid Them
Guest Article By Lori Barkus, Attorney at Law www.barkuslaw.com In this article, Attorney Lori Barkus shares with us the 5 biggest mistakes divorcing women make

5 Things to Think About When Relocating to Denver
It’s no mystery we at Live.Laugh.Denver. and Live.Laugh.Rent.Denver. love Denver – we even subbed out the word “love” in our name for Denver, because, who

The Definition of a Strong, Independent Woman
I haven’t shared or written much about my romantic relationship. After all, here I am serving women going through divorce, leaving their partner, breaking ties,

7 Fall Home Maintenance Musts
Get your home in gear by completing these essential fall tasks that will not only guard your home against cold-weather threats, but also make maintenance much

We Are Always Happy to Help!
There are many ways I can be of service to you outside of an active real estate transaction, so please always feel free to call,

How to Buy and Sell Seamlessly!
Let’s be real, the concept of buying and selling, simultaneously can be a tad overwhelming. With buyer demand high and inventory low, it is a

The Importance of Home When Going Through Divorce.
When I found out I was getting a divorce, I immediately knew that I did not want to stay in our marital home. My disconnection